Result of the 2024 presidential elections.

Result of the 2024 presidential elections. #x06KEsKP

#Trump #Kamala #MAGA


Bagaceiro In reality, the ones who are going to get screwed are the poor Americans themselves. And the world, getting screwed by ever-rising prices and a climate cataclysm that is a total anticlimax..
Alienscum We all know trump titties bigger than Kamala’s and his little micro dick ain’t gonna be able to take that ass from behind,shit wouldn’t reach
Lileagle @Alienscum facts + Trumps a little bitch
Italianxxx1 I would love to see kamala in a porn video 🔥
TimmyTOnTheFly Awe look at all y'all crying! Trump won bitches!!! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN AND MAKE AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN!!!! TRUMP!!! 🐐🇺🇸✊🏽🙌🏽🇺🇸 🐐
LonerLoser Wish there was a vid of this
Shoreman No. Video of him Elon and Putin in a french maids outfit
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