R.I.P. Jay Hefner

R.I.P. Jay Hefner #zKQTdnnc
R.I.P. Jay Hefner #z9LmNC6T
R.I.P. Jay Hefner #nlMqKgew
R.I.P. Jay Hefner #I7bO5d4f
R.I.P. Jay Hefner #bCLRQ6zb
R.I.P. Jay Hefner #F6B2KhGH


T-Strokes Damn what happened to bro?
littledeath03 OP T-Strokes, he got shot, apparently.
SeamanStroke Who was he?
eatdatpussy he's rotting in hell
Smoovertoop Hell & heaven doesn’t exist, you must be extremely intelligent to think that a soul(not the actual body) goes into a pit of scorching fire hotter than the sun where you burn for trillions of years to come, my goodness, people are so demented
Antiisiz Why does his family need donations?
MartyMcfly You’re so scared of there being a hell it’s hilarious. Repent so the scary fire doesn’t get you so worked up
Rex323 So he was a manhoe and now I’m supposed to pay for his funeral lol ok
Hookerlover Another dead 🥷🏾
SeamanStroke Who was he?
BlackToIt man its so sad when nothing but hoes are posting you and using you to advertise themselves🤣
Greg540 DAMN 😔😔😔
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