Trina TS Bad Bitch

#Trans #EBONY


Hilarityofneffarity That breath smells terrible 😔 😂
nuteverywhere99 👆 bruh u must’ve met her too cuz I swear that breath is atrocious like she got a layer of turd on her tongue 😂😂
Hilarityofneffarity And it's like she says the longest words stretching out the funk on that tongue that needs to be cleaned 😂.... Very professional though just need to get some Dr tichenor's mouthwash
AaronJones337 Awwwww im rolling. I dont think she work the ads anymore though
Maal6891 Wtf y'all fucked me up with the breath not the dragon breath😂😂😂
AaronJones337 Had me rolling
Heterophobic Man y’all just ruined my nut talking bout her breathe smh 😂
nuteverywhere99 She gargles w chitlin juice all that big pretty ass long legs feet done titties nice and she blow u a kiss and knock u tf out 😷
AaronJones337 Thats probably why she stop hoeing. Yall kept picking on her lol
Mr_2o2Live Aye bruh I’m in here dying…they say them bad bitches be fucked up behind closed doors smh
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