I'm tired of this man...

I'm tired of this man... #XBSk59ji


JimmySkrewball Start a telegram group!
TonyTwoTie OP I love sharing A1 content with you guys but I'm tired of putting in the work for these videos just to get removed. Idk if I'm going to continue.
TonyTwoTie OP I don't really use Telegram and don't really know how to lol
Stranger123456 Telegram boring. Mostly I use to download movie and drama. Here you know why your video keep remove? It's bcoz someone save your video and upload it in their album. So if he report you, they accuse you for copyright.
Stranger123456 How I know? It's because one of the user steal my video I upload and he upload it in his album so the other think it's his video. The video he steal from me is not easy to find or download but weird how come he get the video frm? Ofcoz he take frm me
LaTiNoHeAt Shit son sorry to hear that. I've been discouraged myself from posting...
TonyTwoTie OP Yeah I'll keep posting a little more but if this continues I'll be done
Selikill19 Hey! How about you try the site SimpCity.su? You can upload there easily without it getting removed all the time. Thanks for sharing mate!
arbiture no for real i’ve had so many good post deleted and it’s not like I keep them after I post so when they delete it’s forever lost
Stranger123456 Guys next time tag the person name you reply. If not confuse.
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