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Mikewill1 Cum in her eye?
Blahblahblah999 I know future fucked ts outta ha
Here_to_see_fun The fall off is crazy. She only sold like 2,000 copies of her album onlyfans coming soon
Midnighter her album was a sold 8/10 chilll gooner
Mikewill1 Who gives af what an album sold. Fucking nerd
MrFatSacks OP Lol facts all i care about is her body
Mikewill1 Bitch ain’t gotta sale another album a day in her life and I’m beating dick to that ass lmao
Willyt100 Hero_to_see_fun you’re thinking about ice spice lol i kow they’re both light skin black women but they’re two different people smh
Mikewill1 ……..I just wanna eat her ass………js
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